Thursday, March 5, 2009

I'm alone in ThemePark, genting :)

It is took near the antique car,
as you can see,
the rail are just beside.

no, I'm not lonely.

" Lonely is not being with someone or,
having to be with someone. Loneliness
Is a state of mind that
we don't accept who we are inside and,
what we need to improve. And therefore,
we need to be distracted with other people,
to make us look away from ourselves "

words quoted in "If not now,When?"
by Tsem Tulku Rinpoche

Yes, I accepted myself :)
I don't want to look away from myself.
I <3 Min, it's true.

I found that,
this is a book which everyone needs to have.
Quotes that are meaningful, all
are chosen from Rinpoche teaching.
It is extremely relevant to our lives.
It is simple to be understand, and
the wisdom within that could touches your heart <3

Overall, a Five-Star rating book *****

more quotes are coming.
close your eye if you don't like it.
this is my blog.

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