Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chicka Chicka Chicka
yer yer yer.
soooo cheeeeeeeeeeeeesy!
chankaaaaa! lets go one day!
RM5.90 sahaja!
save the pockettt!
I bet I have more than a week never enter to my blog.
new sem start.
I'm Fully Loaded.
HW HW HW HW HW HW and HW only.
nothing else.
homework seems cannot be finished.
just like the water flowing non-stop,
when you open the tap. *sigh*
classes are super long.
sit w/o standing up for 2 hours.
other than coll,
genting genting genting and genting only.
waaa. can dieee lo x_x
so, the lady started her Uni Life.
and also as a part-time driver of mine.
feels goood :D
after long hour class. it's really comfortable,
when you sleep in the car.
where the others is driving. esp it's on LDP.
unfortunately, it's not everyday :(
hmm. boring entry. no pic. and its hw time =x
and this is only third week of sem.
next week I'm gonna say this.
My exam is next weeeek! HOOOORAYS!

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